Lotus Bloom retreat is a portal of heart alchemy, soul reclamation, and divine remembrance.

For one week, May 12th - 19th, we will be gathering in sisterhood to reclaim our power, remember ourselves as LOVE in human form, reclaim our holy feminine power, and alchemize grief into unconditional self love.

The retreat flow...

- one week of a deeply intimate, sacred space held for you to soften into the deepest layers of intimacy with your sacred feminine power

- 2 LIVE guided ceremonies held on zoom, May 14th and 16th at 6 pm PST (Queen of Alchemy and Soul Union)

- daily self love rituals and pleasure practices to strengthen your connection to your body and soul

- daily journaling reflections to open your awareness to the divinity of self intimacy

- connect with a sisterhood tribe of women around the world who are reclaiming their worth alongside you

- telegram group chat with daily messaging support

- bonus: two guided heart healing meditations to keep with you for life

in this retreat, you will:

- reclaim your sensuality, your life force energy, your magnetic radiance back home to you  

- be supported to alchemize grief and heartache into unconditional self love 

- learn how live with an open heart and still have strong AF boundaries

- release the heavy blockages of resentment, shame, and pain from your heart space so that your inner source of love can flow freely through you again 

- uproot and clear energetic chords from past partners and anyone who has not honored the temple of your body and heart 

- forgive yourself for all moments of self abandonment and fully recommit to your relationship with yourself 

- restore your connection to your intuition, your inner wisdom, your oracle as the guiding compass of divine intelligence that she is

- awaken the superpower that is self intimacy, restore trust in your relationship with yourself again 

- dissolve shame around your true desires, fully claim the way you wanna be loved and commit to loving yourself in this way

Lotus Bloom

A ceremonial retreat for women: May 12-19th

Let your heart be held in the healing power of sisterhood. We are stronger together.


Ceremony Dates:

Queen of Alchemy: Tuesday May 14th at 6 pm PST

Emotional Alchemy + Chord Releasing + Life Force Reclamation

Soul Union: Thursday May 16th at 6 pm PST

Restore your connection to your soul, your body, your power, your divine worth

when you choose your power, she chooses you back.

Lotus Bloom.

Lotus Bloom.

$88.00 Regular price $120.00
Unit price per

the lotus is born from darkness, into light.

She does not fear the shadow. She plants herself in the darkest muddy waters, for she knows she can only rise as deeply as her roots go.

As women, we carry the alchemical same codes as the lotus. Our power is born from our ability to embrace the wholeness of our human experience, love ourselves unconditionally, and through this love, transform even our deepest shadows into divine radiance.

Lotus Bloom came to life from my own journey of healing after heartbreak. Often times, when we are moving through deep pain, we can isolate ourselves from others and try to figure it all out on our own. This only leads to more suffering, sadness, and separation.

We were designed to live in tribe. To love and nurture each other through the messy waves of this human experience. I created this retreat as a refuge to support women who are moving through heartbreak. This is a space where your full spectrum is welcomed, honored, celebrated, and loved. Bring ALL of you here. Please and thank you.

(PS: Even if you are not moving through a breakup at the moment, this online retreat is a powerful opportunity to alchemize any past layers of emotional grief and heaviness stored within your heart, reclaim your life force energy, clarify your true soul desires, and tap into deeper levels of self love and intimacy in your relationship with yourself.)

this retreat is designed for the woman who...

is devoted to living with an open heart, no matter how many times she has been broken, for she knows that love is her true nature. this retreat is for the woman who is ready to commit to a deeper level of loyalty in her relationship to herself, her power, her intuition. for the woman who knows her worth and will settle for nothing less than being cherished, honored, and adored for the holy queen that she is. for the woman who is ready to release all disempowering patterns of relating to the masculine and write a new story born from the full body knowing of her divinity. for the woman who is prioritizing her peace over any drop of external validation. for the woman who knows her emotions are sacred and is ready to be liberated in the fully embodied expression of her human experience. for the woman who refuses to shrink herself or pretend to be a watered down version of herself any longer. for the woman who is ready to reclaim her true beauty and natural radiance from the inside out. for the woman who is calling in a sacred community of sisters who are walking this path of remembrance with you. for the woman who is ready to transform her sensitivity into a superpower. for the woman who aches for a deeper level of intimacy with her intuition. for the woman who dreams of a peaceful planet, and knows that this peace begins within the temple of her own body.

it is time to bloom.

i am ready to rise.

purchase now

after this retreat you will...

- reclaim your power and restore the remembrance of your divine worth

- deepen your connection to your inner voice, your intuition, the oracular feminine wisdom within you

- release the pain of the past and be available to receive the blessings that are here for you in this present timeline

- have more energy and creativity available to pour into your dreams, your passions (main character energy unlocked full blast)

- become a magnetic match to love that is nurturing, healing, peaceful, and life giving

- experience deeper trust in the sacred mystery of your unfolding

- harness your sensitivity as a super power and truly thrive as an empath in this world

- form lasting connections with soul sisters from all around this world 

- learn to be your own healer through opening up your heart to receive the limitless love and eternal grace of God

reserve your spot today.

So grateful to receive the presence of my soul sister Indivara as a guest facilitator in this space.

She is a Holistic Trauma Integration Guide, Expressive Arts Therapist, and intuitive space holder. This woman is a force of nature and pure feminine liberation and I am so honored to be hosting this retreat with her. She will be guiding a somatic movement energy clearing practice within Lotus Bloom.

hear what others are saying...

if you are meant to join, you will know. trust the call

it is my deepest prayer and intention that this retreat will be a catalyst of deep remembrance upon your path. that throughout our journey together, you will tap into a level of inner peace and unconditional self love that you have never felt before. that you will bow to every past version of yourself, honoring every women who has carried you here, to be fully rebirthed in the beauty of who you have become, here and now. that you will reclaim your power, remember your worth, and learn how to thrive as a sensitive soul in this world through the eternal protection of God. that your faith will be so deeply rooted in the remembrance of how much God loves and supports you, that fear no longer has a grip over your life. 

it’s time to rise.

Lotus Bloom.

Lotus Bloom.

$88.00 Regular price $120.00
Unit price per

when you remember that everything is happening for you, not to you...

your path will be guided into a realm of heart centered consciousness and you will come to know that heaven is a choice in every moment. with every breath. your soul will be illuminated by the warmth of universal truth and forgiveness will pour through your fingertips. you will remember the innocent wisdom of your inner child, and become a living symbol of redemption for every creature graced by your tender presence. they will ask you how you did it and you’ll say with a smile, “i listened to the sound of stillness. i learned to let go of my hunger for control. i surrendered every inch of my existence to the divine intelligence of God. i emptied my mind and my heart became full again. i stopped searching for answers and surrendered my hunger for control. i gave up the need to know everything and somehow became everything i needed in the process. i feel connected to it all now. i see myself in everyone. in their tears, in their joy, in their confusion. for in order to find love, i had to dissolve the walls that kept me numb. i had to lift the veil that kept me blind. i had to shatter. i had to collapse. i had to die to live again. and you can too. but i can only show you the doorway in which Source lingers. you have to be the one to walk through it.